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Thursday, October 28, 2010



As the title of my blog clearly tells, this is going to be some sort of a beginner’s guide or a survival kit and a review of some sort. Hopefully, I would be able to accomplish this simplest of goals to help a newbie familiarize himself or herself in this great online marketplace. Now, given that this website rocks! I just don’t know why anyone would not want to become a Sulit member. So let’s cut to the chase and skip the part of browsing the website as a guest user. Everybody has a thing to say about Sulit.com.ph and how great it is, but the best way to find out is to experience it yourself :-) I maybe the one doing this, but believe me I’m learning too!!! I know right? It surprises me as well :-)

Just recently, Sulit.com.ph launched it’s new look with version 2.10.10 (with the help of it’s members providing much appreciated input and feedback). So most of the review and the things that I’d say about Sulit.com.ph to help you get around it a little, is up-to-date (drum roll).


For the benefit of those who are not yet members of this site, first step would be to register. Click here to register. Once you have successfully registered and have verified your email address, please make sure to come back here for further reading :-)

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a Sulit member like me :-)

As a simple introduction, here are some of the things that you can look forward to as a member:

Sulit Shop. This is something new to me too. If you are a full-pledged seller, you’ll love this. You can build your own shop onsite!!! This feature allows you also to submit it to Google for indexing so it would be more accessible externally, meaning people can google your Sulit online shop. Great right?!!! You don’t even have to know about what it is doing just follow thru the links and prompts and you are all set when submitting your shop to Google. But of course, you need to have a google account. If you are asking if this is good for your online shop? Hell yeah!!! Find more about Sulit Shop here.

Sulit Currency. This is so uniquely Sulit.com.ph. Need I say more? In short this is something that you can use to prioritize your ad or upgrade your account for better Sulit experience and use other special website features. There are two types of sulit currencies SG (Sulit Gold) and SC (Sulit Currency). Some activities that you do online or offline Sulit.com.ph can help you earn the basic Sulit Currency (SC). (e.g reading newsletter from sulit, just read the newsletter and click on the link below the email to claim your SC, posting topics in the forum or simply making a reply to a topic or getting replies, inviting friends to join , so on and so forth). I may actually earn SC for blogging about Sulit and I just found out about it!!! All you have to do is link your blog to Sulit.com.ph or your website and fill this form out. On the other hand, if you are a business-oriented individual, simply need more ad exposure or you don't have enough SC to spend, you can purchase SG at the same time earn SP (Sulit Points) that you can use to avail discount on your next SG purchase. SC can also be shared among member's, and you do have your  SG and SC logs.

Do you need high traffic for your website? Do you want to increase your sales? Then advertise now in Sulit.com.ph Click here to register. Purchase your first SULIT GOLD Currency here.

I'm a Sulit Affiliate

Different Ways To Promote/Prioritize Your Ads. By spending the right amount of virtual Sulit currencies, you can give more exposure to your own ads. The cost of features using SC currency varies from time to time following the basic law of Supply and Demand which is entirely dependent on the requirement of the specific feature among its members and the availability of such feature. Cost of Features for SG on the other hand, being a paid virtual currency is more stable and reasonably priced.  Spend your sulit currencies wisely :-)

Browsing history. I like this feature because it makes things easier for me when going back and reviewing ads that I have read or interested in reading again. Now, I don’t even have to add the ads that I like to my browser favorites, Sulit helps you organize things around. You can save the ads if not using your own computer or want to make sure it's going to be there the next time you log in, or just check your recently viewed ads if you think you'd be done with everything that you need to do in a day.

Sulit Promotional Activities/Contests/Events/Philanthropy. If you love joining online contests, you wouldn’t want to miss Sulit.com.ph promotional activities. Very very cool prizes are at stake!!! If you want to get a chance to win fabulous gadgets always make sure you stay tune for new announcement by newsletter or under the news and announcement section, or you may find these activities announced in the website’s banner, and I’m telling you, this is going to be hard to miss, unless you really are not paying attention :-) Also if you are keen on joining marketing, trade fairs, seminars and the likes, you won’t be disappointed. Lastly, if your good nature couldn't keep you away from doing philanthropy, you're going to be much needed here as Sulit members and admins organize special events that are ways of giving back to the poor and less fortunate through charity or helping people by empowering their lives.

Share your Sulit.com.ph experience and get a chance to win  brand new blackberry cellphones weekly or a new ipod nano touch screen in the raffle. For more details click here

Guaranteed Ad Viewership - There’s no such thing as zero views in Sulit.com.ph unless your ad is freshly created. Depending on your ad and how it is prioritized, how you composed your ads ( I made another simple blog that is related to this here) and other factors in consideration, you are going to get some inquiries guaranteed! There’s never an ad that I posted in Sulit.com.ph that did not get an inquiry in the last four years that I have been going back and forth this website to sell or look for something that I require. They say sales is a numbers game, the more inquiries you have, the more chance of you closing a sale. :-)

Trivia. If you are a trivia fanatic, this one is for you (click here) You can either be the one posting the trivia or be the one to answer it, both ways you get to earn sulit currencies.

Sulitizen. If you are a fan of level-up stuff, you might actually enjoy this. Just keep on posting in the forum or or actively participate in the forum and you’ll get some serious branding waiting for you. Do you want to become a Majestic Sulitizen instead of a just a Sulitizen-to-be? The power rests in your hands :-) If you are wondering what a Sulitizen is, search the web, you’ll be surprised that there are countless definitions out there *wink*wink.

Social Networking/Community Forums. There are countless members of Sulit.com.ph that like expressing their views online in the community forum and I have seen people make friends or earn friends by doing so, you can also actually add members to your own buddy list and manage it. You can also monitor their online activities and other member’s as well. Viewing other member's online activities is a start when you’re trying to make a background check. If you are a little antisocial (just kidding) and a member got you irked, you can simply block him or her. Cool right? Yahoo messenger is also integrated so you know when a member’s online in YM and you can message him or her there for a quick chat. And at the end of this blog if you find it really helpful, you can send me a thank you note by clicking here or simply Like it and share it with your friends in Facebook (news about this update reached me courtesy of Ms Purr). A simple thank you to a great post can help you gain friends online.

And who knows, I might see your username under the top posters or your most-talked about topic (below the forum) soon.

Fast And Easy Searching. Search options enables one to filter the results for fast searching. I usually filter my search results by relevance, price, location and date. This really really comes in handy when you are looking for something to buy, like when I was looking for a used airconditioner (I have somewhat busted my mouse clicking Search and Search options and it paid off btw.  I got one from a fellow Sulit member recently less than a month ago I guess and it’s really really sulit!! 4k only for a one year old 1HP Samsung aircon and it’s in excellent condition, although I had to spend another 500 to bribe my friend and another 200 for gasoline so he would drive me all the way to Binan,Laguna from Paranaque and from Paranaque to Manila where I live). One thing that I also like is that if you are not using your own computer, you can actually save ads to your account (mentioned this already), or write down their ad ids and just search for them later on. By the way, if you want to include advertisements that have already expired or placed in the archive, which you would normally want omitted from your search results, you can include them now also in the search options.

(My newly owned pre-owned 1 HP Samsung Aircon I scored it at a really bargain price of 4,000php)

Great Testimonials. If after reading my blog and you are still not convinced about the benefits of placing your ad in Sulit or simply becoming a member of it, then read some more here. You surely are going to find numerous stories that will blow your mind away, and these are true stories of many simple and ordinary people like me.

Do-It-Yourself Banner Advertising. You can create your own banner advertisement and showcase it for the whole world to see. If you want to find out more about this cool feature get more info here. I don’t have anything really important to advertise as of this moment, but I think this is a great addition to the website.

Feedback/Feedback Resolution/Seller Verification. If you are crazy about feedbacks and doing your own little background check before you proceed with any transaction, it’s also here.  And talking about background checks, if you are going to transact business with Sulit.com.ph as an advertiser, no worries, it is a completely legitimate entity, I can personally attest to that, I’ve been in their office located at the 24th floor of Union Bank Plaza along Meralco Ave, in Ortigas Pasig. I also just found out about this Sure Seal. Sulit.com.ph is Sure Seal certified. If you want to find out more about Sure Seal check their website here.  One great news: Sulit members could avail significant discount from Sure Seal.  As a seller it's a major plus if you could get yourself verified!

Another good thing about Sulit.com.ph is the way feedbacks are resolved in a timely and diplomatic manner.  Member's reported for a violation can fix a simple violation reported even before admin intervention.  A new member like you will sooner or later learn more about it.

Anti-scammer And Anti-Spammer. Oh you bet, you have it here. These scammers are popularized in the forums and you can even report them. Sulit has a reporting tool and adequate feedback channel that you can use against these scammers. People work hard for their money, and people with real bad intentions to steal this hard-earned money by fraud or trickery don’t have a place among members of Sulit.com.ph. Report that scammer right away!!!! Report spammers also if you think it's doing too much invading your privacy but be very courteous, you don't want frenemies or enemies :-) I don't mind spammers that much but scammers are just disgusting :-). I have never been personally a victim of a scammer before and I hope it stays that way. My advise is, if you think it is too good to be true, it probably is. Or don’t put yourself in a situation where you could not say no, always be mindful when sending money to strangers. I am not a fan of sending any money to a person prior to receiving the goods, in almost all of my past transactions online, I always transact on COD basis but there’s always an exception if there’s a really really good reason and proof that I could do so without having any fear of wasting my money to online fraud. Tip: Deposit your payment thru bank, it’s much easier to trace but take note of member’s feedback and prior online activities first. No feedback is probably not good in a transaction where meet-ups or CODs would seem impossible. I don’t really care much about feedback myself since I always do COD or transact on a meet-up basis but that is just me. For more tips, search and read your way through the forums or read this wonderful set of tips on how NOT to be scammed.

Feedback Badge. There’s a good reason why you shouldn’t become like me when it comes to wanting a good feedback. Just now, while I was checking the site, they have added a new feature. The feedback badge. You can generate your own feedback badge here. And just like me but because you are just a new member you get something like this:

Sulit SMS Service.  For local members (residents of the Philippiines or subcribers of any Philippine mobile network, i.e. Sun, Globe, Smart), Sulit has just made everything more accessible for you.  You can now manage your ads, reply to inquiries, shout-out your ad and many other account related activities even in the absence of internet connection thru your mobile phone.   Why do I have a feeling that Sulit might soon launch a contest involving their newly launched SMS service :-)  This value added service has again strengthen its claim as the Number 1 Online Classifieds in the Philippines.  Top that!

For complete list of SMS keywords and cost of service check this out.

(And as the admin answered my question regarding the search capabilities of their SMS service, it is expected in the the next phase of this feature)

Post Unlimited Free Ads and Automated Advertisement Analysis. Almost missed this one. You can post unlimited number of free ads as long as they are not duplicate ads.  Sulit is your online classified ads where you don't even have to shell out a single cent and still generate money.  But there's a huge advantage and benefits of course for paid ads.  On top of this Sulit has also recently added an automated advertisement analysis, a feature that gives you some useful suggestions on how to increase traffic for your ad in just a click of the mouse. What can be more fun than that? Start posting your first free ad now!


Other Things In Store For You.  Yes there are other things in store for you that I couldn't possibly discuss here.

After you have registered or log in to your Sulit account, it normally takes you to your dashboard.  What is a dashboard?

Member Dashboard contains the summary of your account and activities. It is designed for quick and simple navigation of member classified ads, private messages, profile, and your Sulit Shop website.  (source: Sulit.com.ph)

By the way next time you log in you can also try signing in using a third party account, I also tried it just today and wow it works (I officially just got out of the bondocks). I took screenshots of the process as well since it is also the first time I'm doing this.

Ok now that you have setup your account, updated your profile and uploaded your gorgeous photo.  Let's check out the home page.

If you need to find out more about any thing you always have the Help Center to the rescue.  The Help Center gives you the means to browse for FAQ topics, get a support ticket for your inquiry, or post your inquiry or any issue that you may have in a publicly viewable forum or search the FAQ database.

Are you are all set? Do I hear you say?  "Wow what a great site!".  Yes it is!  But there are some important things that we tend to forget as we start to enjoy surfing around a site.  And because we do forget about it, we often find ourselves taken by surprise that we just commited a certain violation :-).  So if you want to avoid this from happening, might want to take a look at Sulit.com.ph Rules and Policies

Don't worry though if you do forget and skip this part, you'll surely encounter some warnings along the way such as these:

Posting duplicate ads is NOT allowed. Violators will have their member account and all ads updated and labeled as spam

WARNING! This is a family safe website. Your advertisement must not contain adult content, foul or offensive language, racist or hateful comments and references to illegal activities 

Important Notice! Sending unsolicited advertisement to any member is not allowed. Your account can be suspended for doing so.

Important Notice! Inappropriate feedback and feedback cheating (multiple accounts which can be automatically detected by our system) can get your member account banned. 


Aside from these warnings, you'll also find some useful tips.  I managed to quickly find one:

Posting in the innermost and correct category will give your advertisement the highest exposure. Advertisement posted in a subcategory is still displayed in the parent category.

One Final and Very Important Tip: Make sure you log out! You don't want other people messing around with your account and spending your SC or SG or making serious violations on your behalf. Your account is still your responsibility.  Don't tick the Remember Me check box when you log in to Sulit unless you are using your own private computer.

This is where your mini-survival kit ends.  The rest of the things about this wonderful website is up to you to discover for yourself.  :-) Enjoy!!!


Sulit is a place where a dreamer could expect something great to happen and with some amount of effort, determination and hard work he or she could one day get something really big. But is also a place for everyone who doesn’t really have anything big going on in his or her head but wants something however little or small it is, done and gets it done. I am one of those people out the thousands and thousands members of Sulit.com.ph who visit the website every time they need to sell or buy a thing or two. This relationship that I have with Sulit.com.ph started way back in 2006 when the website is just freshly baked from the oven and I happened to be starting out as a real estate agent. I remember the first project that I advertised in Sulit.com.ph was the Fountain Breeze Project in Paranaque using a username which login details I have already forgotten.  Even at its early stages, Sulit.com.ph delivered all the inquiries that I needed being one of the early pioneers in online classifieds in the Philippines.

To wrap this up, I'd like to share a little something that I wrote about Sulit.com.ph in the recent past that might also help give you more idea with regards to the website and it's membership.

Sulitizens as Netizens.

From the time Sulit.com.ph was launched in September 2006, exactly four years ago, it has changed the landscape of Philippine online business and social networking and has become a word of mouth among internet users who frequent the website and those who actively participate in its online activities. These individuals or entities can be generally called as netizens. The word netizen, which is a portmanteau of internet and citizen, also implies civic responsibility - a concept that has always been in the heart of Sulit.com.ph as an institution and as a business enterprise. Thus, it can be said that a Sulitizen is more of a netizen with the additional branding given to members as they become active and more active in Sulit.com.ph. This loyalty status has even been classified into several ranks in the website’s Forum based on member activity. Starting from a Sulitizen-to-be, a member can become a Majestic Sulitizen as he/she goes up the ladder, acquiring titles that are very much unique in Sulit.com.ph.

Spreading the Culture and Success-driven Values.

Sulit.com.ph has a very strong interdependency on its membership. Much of its early success could be attributed to its various activities that encouraged members to promote the website and share the benefits of maintaining an account as a buyer, a seller or as an advertiser. These types of activities are continuously employed and in time, have proven to be significant in sustaining a wide consumer reach to the satisfaction of its stakeholders – its members. The overwhelming support of its members in these promotional activities has catapulted the website to popularity.

Consequently, rising to the top and being in the forefront of online selling, networking and advertising in the Philippines for the last four years is an achievement that can be viewed as a great sign of becoming part of our cultural heritage. This staying power has given Sulit.com.ph the time it needs to grow its own dynamic and success-driven culture whether in business or personal undertaking that are also inherent among its members. Whatever we put online in Sulit.com.ph, it is guaranteed that somewhere, sometime, someone will find it. At the end of the day, we always have a certain measure of success in our accomplishments online that we all value the most.

Change is good.

As a key success-indicator and to further bolster it’s supremacy away from its competitors we have seen the website undergo several changes, continuously improving its look and services. Some of these changes might have met some negative remarks from a few, but we all eventually learn and recognize the need for these changes. Coupled with a few revisions here and there or from time to time, Sulit.com.ph with the help of its management and design team always make sure changes that are made would respond effectively to the needs of its members and users alike.

Buy and Sell Philippines : Sulit.com.ph

If you find this blog helpful, share it with your friends copy and paste the URL to your website, blog or any social-networking accounts like facebook, twitter,etc.

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